What if you could build a legacy that blesses your family for generations?
Cultivate unity in your marriage & build a thriving life based on what matters most to you as a couple
When did we settle for mediocre marriages where the wife does her thing and the husband has his, and so you co-exist to make ends meet, all the while wishing things were different?
Living a life that society expects of you, even though you know you were created for more?
Not fully providing your children the life and inheritance you dream for them?
Maybe you envy the couples you see building dreams together and living out the life you dream of.
You wonder if all those dreams you have will ever come to be - where will you get the money? When will you find the time? Do you even have what it takes? What will people say?
You wish you and your spouse had less friction in your marriage and could get on the same page when it comes to your future: how to raise your kids, where to live, how to spend your money, how you fill your days.
Or maybe you have so many dreams, but you’re not sure what to prioritize or where to start?
What if today was different?
Imagine a different kind of Monday. You wake up in a peaceful home, in a house that’s everything you dreamed of. It’s your haven. You go through your morning routine as a family - each member of your household united in vision and purpose. Everyone knows exactly what to expect and how to contribute to keep your household operating smoothly as you all work towards your family’s big dreams, side by side.
Your work hours are flexible because you as a couple have multiple income streams from your own businesses and investments. You can take time in your day to be present with your kids without having to put in a PTO request or lose income because you no longer trade time for money.
Little by little, you see your net worth grow and as you look at your kids playing in the backyard, you thank God for giving you the wisdom to grow generational wealth that allows you to provide for your family, give generously and pass on an inheritance to your children.
Your marriage is strong and thriving. Conflict is rare in your home, because you and your spouse are on the same page on what matters to you as a family.
You no longer envy other people’s lives because you know what is important to you and your family and the life you want to live.
You’re able to give generously to the causes you’re passionate about and help those in need.
Your life is full in all the ways that matter to you and you continue to steward, grow and multiply the resources God entrusted to you.
Because you know what matters most to you. You have an anointed vision for your family. And someday, when you’re gone, your legacy will live on strong because you lived a life of impact and multiplied and grew what God entrusted to you.
A life like this doesn’t appear overnight.
It takes intentional investment and diligent effort, day by day, year after a year. It takes courage to stand apart from the crowd and do something different; to take risks; to build something from the ground up.
We know because we’re building our family legacy right now and even though we’re in the early stages, we’re already seeing the fruit of our efforts and so we want to share the blueprint we’re using to define our family’s vision and legacy with other couples who are yearning for more growth and purpose in their lives and for their families.
We both came up in our careers through corporate work, Daniel at John Deere and Yelena at accounting firms, but once we started outlining the vision we have for our family and the legacy we want to build and pass on to our kids, we realized corporate work alone and the subdivision life wasn’t going to get us where we wanted to be.
It was comfortable, but as Christians, aren’t we called to more than comfort and fitting in with the world’s definition of success?
So, we dreamed, planned, saved, invested and prayed for three years until God opened a door for Yelena to take a job that allowed her to work from home and doubled her pay, Daniel quit his corporate job, we left city life and moved to a small town in Missouri, bought a seed business and a small 3.5 acre homestead.
These life changes and investments we’re making are steps towards bigger dreams we have for our family and building blocks of our legacy.
This is our story and family legacy, what will yours be like? If you’re not sure, we have something that may help!

A Family Legacy: A Couple’s Guide to Defining Your Family’s Vision & Building a Life of Impact
The Family Legacy guide is a workbook with thought provoking questions and exercises to help couples:
Design a life that aligns with your values
Steward your resources wisely
Make an impact and
Build a family legacy that keeps on giving and growing long after you’re gone.
You don’t have to follow the crowd or live how everyone else is living. You can be united in vision and purpose with your spouse.
You can be free from comparing your life to others because you can build a thriving life based on what matters most to you and your family.
You can step into all that God has decreed for you and your family, and go further than you could even dream of.
It begins with taking the time as a couple to prayerfully define a vision and legacy for your family.
Because a marriage is built on Christ, but “if a house is divided against itself, that house cannot stand" (Mark 3:25). Without unity in vision, your marriage and family cannot thrive and grow to God’s full potential.
“Who is the man who fears the Lord? Him will he instruct in the way that he should choose. His soul shall abide in well-being, and his offspring shall inherit the land.”
— Psalm 25:12-13
Where will you be a year from now?
Today's the day to make a decision.
If you decide to wait until "someday," that's also a decision too.
If you can't commit today, we want you to at least commit to this:
Figure out what matters most to you. What does success look like for you? What are your values? What do you stand for? So many of us end up living how we think we should because that’s how others around us live or it’s what we were subconsciously influenced to desire. But God has unique stories written for each of us, so open those channels of communication with your spouse to prayerfully dream big and develop a vision for your family and the legacy you want to leave behind. Don’t leave on the table all that God has for you while chasing other people’s measures of success and happiness.
Grow what you’ve been given. Whether it’s a little or a lot, commit to multiplying what God has entrusted to you: finances, talents, ministry, children, skills, etc. Learn to steward your resources well.
Build a like of impact. Want to help build up your church? Travel for a month each year? Buy a homestead? Wake up each day without an alarm clock or rushing through your time with God? Want to work on something you love? Great. Let's work diligently so that we can continue to be a blessing for others.
In his book The Slight Edge: Turning Simple Disciplines into Massive Success & Happiness, Jeff Olson estimates that only 5% of people are creating and living the life they truly want. In his decades of observation, he’s found that about 1 in 20 is achieving a significant measure of his or her goals in life: financial, professional, in terms of relationships, in terms of health, etc.
Which means that 95% are either failing or falling short of the life they desire.
So, how do you become one of the 5%? It begins with setting goals based on what actually matters to you and that’s what the Family Legacy Guide can help you with.

Is the Family Legacy Guide for you?
The Family Legacy Guide is NOT for you if…
You want to fit in with your friends or for your life to look like the lives of your favorite influencers.
You don’t want to leave anything behind for your children after you die.
You and your spouse are already on the same page when it comes to your family’s vision and goals.
You’re already building generational wealth.
You don’t believe in Jesus. This guide is for believers in Jesus Christ. The mission of this guide is to help Christians live out the unique assignments God has for each of us and to multiply the resources God entrusted to us.
The Family Legacy Guide is for you if…
You’re ready to live differently than your friends and peers.
You want to build generational wealth to bless your children and grandchildren for generations.
You want to be more united in vision and goals with your spouse.
You want to be able to have financial freedom and the ability to give generously to causes that are important to you and to help those in need.
You want to raise God-fearing children with strong values and who are set apart from the world.
You know there’s more to life than how you’re currently living.
You want to be in the 5% of people accomplishing their goals.
The Risk of Tomorrow
In our first few years of marriage, we built a comfortable life. In many ways, we had the American Dream: steady corporate jobs making six figures, a house in a good subdivision with an extremely low interest rate, a paid off car, a nanny, growing 401(k) accounts.
We could stay there and live a comfortable life, retiring eventually to a paid off house and minimal retirement income from our 401(k)s.
But when we talked about the way we wanted to raise our kids, what lights us up, the dreams God planted in our hearts and what we’d want our lives to look like when look back at it all in our eighties, we realized where we were was not going to get us to where we want to be.
We could no longer say tomorrow. We had to start taking steps towards the vision we had for our family.
So, we started saving, investing, and prayerfully knocking on doors of opportunities that lined up with our goals and vision until God opened the doors that were from Him. We are taking steps in faith and obedience to steward and grow the dreams God put on our hearts and the resources He entrusted to us, and in return, God establishes our path according to His will.
If you're ready to make tomorrow today, this choice to get clear on your vision and design a legacy can change your life and impact future generations.
It can give you a life of freedom, of hope, of impact and growth.
But you're the only person that can take the next step and start a chain of blessings and growth to last for generations.
You're the only one who knows if tomorrow is today.
If you've read this far, perhaps your time is now.
If you're ready to invest in your family and build a life and legacy of impact, don't wait for "tomorrow."
The decision is up to you.
A year from now, we'll all be a year older. The time will pass. Will you be happy with the choice you made today?
Meet the Sheremetas —
We’re Daniel & Yelena
We got married in 2021 (within six months of meeting each other!) and we now live in Missouri with our two sons: Levi & Luke.
We recently left city life to buy a three acre homestead and a seed cleaning business in a small lake town. After six years working for John Deere, Daniel is now the CEO of our family business, the Stockton Seed House, and Yelena works in tax law for an accounting firm doing quality control and risk management.
From the beginning of our relationship, we’ve shared a similar vision for our lives: living in the countryside with our kids, owning farm land, cattle ranching, a family business, multiple income streams, and growing a thriving ministry to encourage and equip young women to thrive in the single season (Yelena), young men to become strong leaders (Dan), and to help young couples to prepare for marriage success.
We’re only beginning our legacy building journey together, and we’re so excited to see what God has in store for us (and for you!).
We created this workbook as a resource for couples to design your family’s legacy and build a life that fulfills all that God has in store for you.