My first print book is here!

I wrote a book! I’ve written several devotionals and Bible studies over the years for Tirzah Magazine, but this book is different because it’s deeply personal to me and it’s my first book that is available in print! 

I started writing this book in December 2017. It eventually became a full-blown manuscript, but life got busy and I decided to eventually pair down the manuscript to a four-week devotional Bible study instead. 

This devotional Bible study was written deep in my single season. When there were no marriage prospects. When I’d been praying for years with no answer. When I wasn't sure if God even had marriage for me within His will, and I thought about giving up on even wanting marriage at all.

So, it is a bit weird to now launch this book for single women under my married name and 26 weeks pregnant. But seasons change. I met my husband at age 29, at the end of 2020, when the book was being designed for publication. God has blessed me with an incredible love story and a Godly, loving husband. The Lord has given me abundantly more than I could think of or ask for, both in my single season and now in marriage. 

And as I look back on my single years, I'm realizing that the lessons God taught me that kept my hope alive for so long and prepared me for what God had in store for me are captured in this book. Because as I flip through the pages (which is such a surreal experience, by the way!), all I can think is that this is holy ground; this is what God has done; these are His words. 

That’s why I wanted this book to not only be a testimony of what God has taught me and done in my heart, but to encourage you to go to His word for yourself. That’s what sanctifies and redeems a waiting season. 

Over the years, I’ve purchased all sorts of Bible studies, books and devotionals, and to be honest: I often lack follow through to answer the questions at the end of a chapter. It’s easier to read the author’s thoughts and move on. Answering the study or discussion questions, especially if it requires Bible references, often seems burdensome and time consuming. 

And then I wrote this book, and did just that: at the end of each chapter is a list of Scriptures and accompanying questions to study those Scriptures. I could have written the book without the questions and just told you the conclusions of studying those passages, but here’s the thing: I learned and grew the most in my single season through the lessons God taught me through His word. 

The Holy Spirit used those exact passages to speak into my heart in a real and personal way, often in the times when it got really lonely and painful to be single. And I want that for you: I don’t want it to be only my words that you learn from and are encouraged by. My testimony in these devotionals is what God taught me, but the study questions are an opening for God to speak to your heart: to make these lessons personal and relevant for you and what you’re going through. 

So, all that to say: don’t skip the study questions. Invest the time to open your Bible and prayerfully seek God’s counsel. It will transform your heart and life by helping you to

  • Find hope, joy, and contentment in your single season

  • Learn how to wait expectantly for the future while living fully in the current season

  • Discover how to entrust your love story and future to the Lord

  • Overcome disappointment, hopelessness, comparison, and unbelief

  • Grow in faith and find purpose in waiting seasons

  • Figure out how to steward well what God has called you to do as a single woman.

This book is definitely the most personal thing I've ever written but I'm so excited to share it with you, and I pray this book is an encouragement to you in your own waiting season. And if you have single friends, this would make an excellent gift! 

Thank you for supporting me in seeing this dream fulfilled! You can order the book in print on Amazon or download a digital copy in the shop! Amazon offers international shipping & Prime 2-day shipping for Prime members!

Oh, and one more favor? If you order & read the book, will you please leave an Amazon review? Reviews make a big impact for first-time authors. ❤️ 

And if you’re not sure if this book is for you or want to read chapter one while you wait for your copy to arrive in the mail, I’d love to share the introduction and chapter one with you below!


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