How to Grow in Your Faith

As women, we often scroll through social media and see posts and videos from Christian influencers and YouTubers with pretty journaling Bibles and deep theological captions, and wonder, “How is she so on fire for God?” Because we all want to be stronger Christians, more rooted in our faith and to feel His presence. Yet, that often feels impossible, like maybe it’s something reserved for special people like pastors and Bible teachers.

There are two main reasons why you might not be seeing growth in your spiritual life: 

You’re not reading your Bible regularly

So faith comes from hearing, and hearing through the word of Christ. -Romans 10:17

The Bible is the living and active word of God (Hebrews 4:12). It is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness (2 Timothy 3:16). Unlike other books, it is relevant across cultures, generations and in all languages. Each time you read it, year after year, you keep learning something new, and it is always useful to the season you’re in or is preparing you for the future. The words in this book give us spiritual life (Matthew 4:4) and in it, are the answers to all of our questions. 

I get it. It can be hard to make time each day to read the Bible. It might seem boring. And some days, it might feel like you’re not getting anything out of reading the Bible or like none of it makes sense.  But keep reading. Show up daily. Because you’re storing up knowledge for when you’ll need it. Little by little, it adds up. 

John 14:26 says that the Holy Spirit will teach us all things and bring to remembrance all that Jesus said. That’s what happens to those who regularly store up the word of God in their hearts and minds: when you need a word of counsel or encouragement, God will bring it to your mind at just the right moment. 

Here’s the thing, ladies: As women, we are vulnerable to attacks from the enemy if we are not rooted in God’s word (remember Eve?!). Apostle Paul writes about it in 2 Timothy 3:6-7:

“They are the kind who work their way into people’s homes and win the confidence of vulnerable women who are burdened with the guilt of sin and controlled by various desires. Such women are forever following new teachings, but they are never able to understand the truth.”

Women’s ministry is big business today, and we eat it up: all the content on social media, women’s conferences, books and studies, and all the sources online. Some of it is good sound teaching, but a lot of it has become self-promotional, grown into corporate movements and is filled with false teaching. 

That’s why personal Bible study and time spent in His Word is vital - it will help you filter our false doctrine and distinguish anointed teaching from just another charismatic, well spoken, beloved by the world modern teacher. Reading the Bible grows your faith because it teaches you about the One in whom you’re putting your faith into. It is the seeds of Truth planted into your heart that will give an increase (Matthew 13:1-9, 18-23). 

You’re reading the Bible, but not putting it into practice 

And He said to them, “Pay attention to what you hear: with the measure you use, it will be measured to you, and still more will be added to you. For to the one who has, more will be given, and from the one who has not, even what he has will be taken away.” -Mark 4:24-25

The more you hear, study, understand, and keep God’s word, the more God will reveal to you and entrust you with spiritually. Similarly, the more liberally we share the gifts and knowledge God has given us, the more abundant God will be toward us. Because reading and living out the Scriptures has a multiplier effect. That’s where the growth happens.

I’ve experienced it for myself over and over: the more I share and teach from what God is teaching me through His word, the more I have to share. The words and thoughts keep coming seemingly out of thin air. But when I stop sharing and using what I’m reading in the Bible, the words and thoughts dry up.

God gives more to those whole value and use what they have. And if you don’t apply what God reveals to you in His word, you’re in danger of losing what you do have. Because even the faith the size of a mustard seed (which is tiny, by the way!) can move mountains (Matthew 17:20).

It is only through obedience that we get knowledge. Do and you shall know. That’s the cycle: you read God’s word and obey what you read. With knowledge, apply yourself to action, and with action, light increases in us and the world sees Christ in us. For “blessed are those who hear the word of God and obey it” (Luke 11:24).

So, how do we do this practically? 

  • Read your Bible every day. Like, your actual Bible, from beginning to end. Not just a devotional or a sermon (but you can read a devo and your Bible together, as long as you’re in the Word for yourself daily).

  • Meditate on what you read. Don’t just read a passage and walk away. Think on it throughout the day, as you fall asleep and throughout the week. 

  • Write it out. If you process things or remember better through writing, then write out what a passage is teaching you. 

  • Memorize Scripture. Store up God’s word in your heart and you’ll surely walk with God every day of your life (Psalm 119:11, 105).

  • Talk about it. Share what God is teaching you with those around you, online and in person. 

  • Teach it. Impart God’s truth into the hearts of your children, or if you have the spiritual gift of teaching, then step into that calling and teach God’s Word. The more you teach, the more God will fill you with His wisdom and words. 

  • Pray Scripture. There is something so powerful about praying God’s word back to Him. If your faith feels weak, praying God’s promises back to Him is a life giving reminder of His character. 

  • Do what the Bible says. This one will look different for each of us, and even vary from day to day and season to season. But as you read, you may feel the Holy Spirit encouraging, teaching or convicting you to do something or stop doing something. Maybe it’s a thought to call that friend you haven’t talked to in awhile or a conviction to spend less time on social media. Whatever it is, listen to and obey that prompting. It might not make sense in the moment, but as soon as you take steps to obey, God will reveal more and more to you as He leads you step by step.  

It is only through actively living out the word of God that our beliefs transform from “I think” opinions to the unshaken assurance of “I know.” The constant, daily application of the Gospel to our own lives and homes is what sets apart a woman after God’s heart from all the women who call themselves Christian but have little fruit to show for it. 

So, put down the phone, turn off the TV, put away the to-do list. Show up daily to hear what the Lord has to say to your heart. It is our daily bread. Each day that you show up to be with Him, He delights in your willingness and obedience; and He is working behind the scenes of your heart and life to glorify His name and complete a good work in you. You may not see this work right now or "feel" Him. But He is there.

If you’re just starting out with Bible study and want some guidance on how exactly to study and apply Scripture to your life, I intentionally wrote my devotional to help you get into the Word. Order a copy here!


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