Life Lately: October 2022

October is probably my favorite month of the year: perfect weather, sunshine, beautiful foliage, and it feels like the calm before the whirlwind of holidays. This month, we spent as much time as possible outdoors. Indiana is stunning in the fall with all the beautiful colors and perfect fall weather. It helps that Levi is happiest outside and exploring new places! 

We took Levi to another apple orchard and pumpkin patch: Tuttle Orchard. It was a major family attraction with so many people and families around, so to be honest, we were all a bit overstimulated. But, at least we got some cute photos of Levi with pumpkins and he loved the kids’ tractors even though his feet don’t reach the pedals yet. 

We also went back to Traders Point Creamery to walk the trails one Saturday afternoon and introduce Levi to cows (which he loved - he just kept staring at them mesmerized!). 

Two local recent discoveries for us are Wheelers Cafe & Market and Hoosier Heritage Farm. Wheelers is the cutest home decor store and their cafe menu is delicious. They’re located in the middle of an assortment of farms and cornfields, so of course, we loved the setting (and the food & people!). 

Hoosier Heritage Farm sells beef locally right off their farm. We decided to stop by after work one day to see what they have available, and the owner offered to give us a tour of their farm. We got into her ATV and she showed us their turkeys, goats, cows, chickens, and pigs. It was a perfect fall day and a perfect memory because it was basically a glimpse into what we envision for our future. 

Daniel’s sister got married in St. Louis, so we drove down for the weekend to celebrate. The weather was perfect, so we explored local parks, ate BBQ, dressed up, and enjoyed a beautiful wedding. Levi also finally got to meet the rest of Daniel’s family, so that was exciting! 

There’s also been a lot of raking leaves and letting Levi play in said raked leaves.

I’ve also been trying to find pockets of time to work on my course for millennial, Christian women in the workplace who want to elevate their careers. I have the script written and finished the slides this month, so the next step is to record it and then share with y’all! If you want to be the first to opt in, subscribe to my personal weekly newsletter below. 

A couple things I’m loving lately

  • I’ve been taking my Revitalize mineral supplements for almost three months, and y’all it works. I mix them into my water first thing each morning + powder collagen, and I can tell the difference on the days I forget to take this supplement. Here’s a link to get $10 off if you want to try it too - highly recommend!

  • At Wheeler’s, I picked up a $12 facial scrub since I’ve been trying to use products with clean ingredients. Y’all, my face glows after I use it (according to my husband!). I can’t find the exact scrub online, but they do have a facial bar with the same ingredients available here.

  • Daniel and I recently discovered American Dream nut butter (it’s locally owned and they just opened a coffee shop near where we live!), and we can’t get enough. We’ve tried the Black Velvet and One Tough Cookie so far, and we’ll probably restock soon. 

  • We invested in a treadmill to use under our desks while we work, and we are loving it. Since Daniel and I both work from home mostly and with the weather about to get colder, we thought this would be a good way to get some exercise in. We switch off days and try to walk while in meetings / on calls, or answering emails.

Until next time,

- Yelena


A Christian Woman’s Guide to MLM


Life Lately: September 2022