Life Lately: September 2022

This is my favorite time of the year. The weather has been perfect the last few weeks in Indiana and we’ve been soaking up as much time outside as we can before it gets cold. 

It’s hard to believe that September 1, we were at the local splash pad. Levi loved wading in the fountains and then sunbathing in the grass. That was one of the last warm days before autumn set in.

On Labor Day, we got the phone call that my grandmother passed away. She passed away at the age of 92, after living a hard life - born into Stalin’s famine, Holodomor, in 1930, she was orphaned at a young age and helped raise her siblings. Lived through World War II and the Soviet Union regime. Outlived her husband and three of her five adult children. Moved to the U.S. from Ukraine in her 70’s.

Our grandma had no filter and so much spunk ☺️. She loved to knit and joked that if you lined up everything she ever knit, it would wrap around the planet. She loved to pray and read. But most of all, she loved us and Jesus.

My mind still can’t believe she’s gone but I know she’s home with her sons and husband and the God who she loved so faithfully.

We drove down to Missouri for the funeral, and Levi hung out with dad for most of the visitation service, eating jerky with his cousin on his uncle’s truck tailgate. On the way home, we stopped in St. Louis to show Levi where mama used to live + stretch our legs.

Since the weather cooled off, we’ve been doing all the fall things: stocking up on mums, going apple picking at a local orchard, pizza nights outdoors, campfires, and so much time at the park. 

We wrapped the month with a family outing to the archery range. My husband loves archery (and is so good!), but this is the first time since we met that we got a chance to go together and I tried my hand at archery.

We’ve been talking about doing this for so long, and it was nice to do something my husband loves so much. If you’re married, this is a friendly reminder to make time for each other’s hobbies together - it truly does matter. 


Life Lately: October 2022


Preparing For Your Wedding Night