Life Lately: November & December 2022

This is a bit delayed, but my husband and I were looking through my past “life lately” posts and realized how lovely it is to look back at the highlights of each month. So, here’s what our little family has been up to lately.

We got our first snow before Thanksgiving. Levi loved it at first, until he held it in his hands and started crying because his hands got cold and he didn’t know to let go of the snow. We also have had the hardest time finding shoes for Levi - he either doesn’t fit into them, refuses to keep them on, or can’t walk in them. For the last few months, the only “shoes” that have worked are fleece slippers, so we make that do with that, and just try to not keep him out in the snow long so his feet don’t get wet.

We drove down to visit our families for Thanksgiving, where we ended up taking Levi to visit an aquarium. He loved most of it, but it was right before his nap, so we fast forwarded the second part to get him home for a nap.

We also ventured out to see the giant Christmas tree on the square in my hometown. It was so surreal to be back at home with my husband and a baby who wanted to run everywhere. It seems like just yesterday I was praying so hard for a husband and family of my own, and here we are. God is so good, y’all.

Once we got back home, we hosted our youth group for a Friendsgiving / holiday party. It was a tight fit in our house, but it reminded me how much joy hosting brings me. We haven’t done much hosting since Levi was born, but I’m hoping we can do more of this in 2023.

We didn’t really get a chance to do very many holiday things this year, but we did make it out to a German Christmas market near us, and although it was beautiful, it was so crowded, we ended up leaving pretty quickly and getting Mexican instead.

For Christmas, we drove back down to Missouri again to spend a couple days with my husband’s family. My in-laws live in the country, and Levi thrived out there. It was freezing cold, but that didn’t bother him because there was so much to to explore: riding tractors, petting sheep, new toys, chasing cats and dogs, and lots of people to play with him.

As much as we love being with our families, road tripping 8-9 hours with an active baby that hates sleeping in his portable crib is a lot, and honestly, we just love coming back home to our own beds, space and routines.

Most of our days are spent doing ordinary things as a family: reading books, playing with Levi, cooking, spending a lot of time outside, exploring local coffee shops and the library on cold days, going on walks when the weather is nice, trying to squeeze in day dates as a couple once in awhile, working, and going to church. This is our life, and I wouldn’t have it any other way.

Until next time, friends!


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